Welcome to whisky country
Scotland's distilleries are just a click away, but first please confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country of residence.
Once inside you'll be spoilt for choice with a comprehensive list of Scotland's distilleries from which you can use the Find Out More button to book tickets and tours. You can also plan your next whisky trip by using our totally interactive Plan your Trip feature and our 16 tour suggestions will help you explore Scotland's iconic whisky regions.
We also have a full list of Scotland's best whisky retailers, bars and accommodations - all of which are included in our recommended tours.
Looking for some whisky inspiration? Our podcasts feature the people who make the whisky and our Malts of The Month and newsletters provide you with monthly ‘whisky nirvana’. We have regular content that is sure to please any whisky fan - from interviews with some of the industry's most well-kent faces to updates on new releases from the country's famed distilleries.